The Diarists

We are Sue Asbury, David Hughes and Mike Reed - two designers and a writer. Sue is part of Asbury & Asbury and tweets as @suejanea. David leads David & Associates, and tweets as @david_hughes. Mike trades as Reed Words, and tweets as both @mikebreed and @reedwords. We've done this before: in 2007 and, abortively, in 2008.

14_03: Hide & Seek

Behind the living room door. Sssh.

12_03: Mystery location

This is where I had a very exciting meeting last Friday, that I'm not allowed to tell anyone about.

08_03: Something to say

"My feet are bloody freezing," presumably.

08_03: Casa Sacristia de Santa Ana, Seville

07_03: Up the tree

At Alice Holt Forest

06_03: The cats are back

Sally (shown) and Florence (hiding), recently expelled from the Eden that is Granny's house.

06_03: Inside out

05_03: Nice spot for a meeting

Platt's Eyot, on the Thames near Hampton Court.

05_03: Cheeky

04_03: Visitor

04_03: When the sub goes to the pub

Caption courtesy of you know who

02_03: Loaded title

Oscar's nursery knows how to give a strong steer.

02_03: Happy birthday Fiona

Can't beat a bit of Tiffin

01_03: Go into the light

Paddington Tube

01_03: Ribbon Lace Scarf
